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Avulsion: From Facts To Treatment Algorithm 
Manish Madan 1 , Parminder Dua 2 , Roli Gupta 3 , Ritu Mangla 4

Address For Correspondence
Dr. Manish Madan, Professor And Head
Department Of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
Himachal Institute Of Dental Sciences,
Paonta Sahib (H.P)-173025 

Avulsion of tooth is a grievous injury and ranges from .5-16 % of all injuries in permanent dentition and 7-21% in primary dentition, of which maxillary anterior are commonest. Most susceptible group is children between 7-14 years. Healing following avulsion and replantation is dependent on the extent of pulpal and periodontal ligament (PDL) tissue damage. Therefore, immediate replantation is the recommended treatment of choice for an avulsed permanent tooth. To achieve a more favorable prognosis following tooth replantation, minimal extra-oral dry storage for tooth & use of an appropriate interim transport medium is usually advocated. Replanted tooth should be monitored regularly and radiographically. To emphasize the various aspects of avulsion, research based information has been incorporated.

Avulsion, Replantation, Storage media, Splints.

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An unexpected loss of anterior tooth is an appalling event for the patient having a comprehensive blow on the psychology as well as the overall personality of the individual.[1] Tooth avulsion or exarticulation is the loss of tooth following trauma.[2] “When the tooth is removed from its socket, consequence of a trauma, and the surrounding structures as periodontal ligament and neurovascular bundle injure, the situation is named as tooth avulsion.”(World Health Organization’s classification system modified by Andreasen).[3]
There has been an increase in the occurrence of avulsion due to increase in road traffic accidents, followed by fall and sport injuries.[4] Most susceptible group is children between 7-14 years[5] as the alveolar bone is resilient conferring minimal resistance to extrusive forces.[6]
It is well established that the clinical prognosis of an avulsed tooth/teeth depends upon the promptness and immediate management by dental practitioner.[7] The success rate of reimplanted teeth is reported to be very low, which is 4 to 50 %.[8] However, immediate reimplantation is not always possible due lack of knowledge from parents/tutors at the moment of accident[9], person’s conscious state, informed consent issues, and lack of confidence in strangers gathered at site of accident.[10] If managed pertinently the avulsed tooth with viable periodontal ligament when reimplanted can maintain functionality for some years.[11] This overview expounds the aspects for the clinical success and prognosis of exarticulated teeth in dental practice.

Factors affecting success rate of replanted teeth:
Age : Progression of root resorption in teeth with extended extra-oral periods is age related. In patients 8-16 years old at the time of avulsion, the rate of resorption is higher compared to 17-39 years old patients.[12] Since most avulsions occur before the patient’s facial growth is complete, it is critical to maintain the tooth and surrounding bone until facial growth is complete and a relatively uncomplicated permanent restoration can be made.[5]

Mechanical damage during replantation:
In the processes of avulsion and replantation, maximal damage occurs to the convex buccal and lingual root surfaces, where physical contact occurs with the bone socket during rotary movement.[6]

Timing of pulp extirpation:
Timing of pulp extirpation (PE) of a replanted avulsed tooth depends on tooth maturity and, if immature, the extraoral time. Unless the tooth is immature and has been replanted almost immediately, PE is generally recommended within 7 to 14 days13-17 or 10 days post-replantation.[13] Extra-alveolar duration: Extra-oral dry storage for more than 60 minutes subjects the success rate of replanted tooth to a minimal[18] leading to tooth loss.[19] Teeth that are replanted within 5 minutes after avulsion have best prognosis.[20] Damage to PDL by dehydration & direct mechanical trauma affects the viability of cells, worsening the prognosis of replanted tooth[21] with the probability of resorption increasing by 29% for every additional 10 minutes of dryness.[22]

Storage media:
An extra-alveolar time always exists before the patient arrives at the dental office leading to desiccation of the root surface, increasing the risk of loss in vitality of the PDL cells.[6] As dry storage is detrimental to the PDL viability, the avulsed tooth must be prevented from drying by use of storage media of appropriate pH, osmolality & efficacy. (Table 1) Tap water, saline, saliva and Gatorade[9] are inappropriate storage media due to their non-physiological pH & osmolality.[23] Milk and HBSS have the best results using the multiparametric assay, corroborating their use in cases of tooth avulsion.[9] Coconut water[24], green tea extract[25] & ricetral[2] are comparable to HBSS and milk in maintaining PDL viability. Propolis, a recent development is an appropriate medium for avulsed tooth and can maintain the viability upto 6 hours.[6] (Table 2)

Table 1 : Ideal Properties Of Storage MediaTable 1 : Ideal Properties Of Storage Media

Table 1 : Ideal Properties Of Storage Media

Table 2 : Different Storage MediaTable 2 : Different Storage Media

Table 2 : Different Storage Media


Splinting - type and duration:
semi-rigid or flexible fixation permits physiological jiggling movements of the teeth as functional stimuli which assists PDL healing. As compared to previous recommendations of 6 weeks (essentials of traumatic injury) splinting for up to 2 weeks & splintitng for 1 week may be adequate for periodontal healing.[26] (Table 3) Recent guidelines recommend splinting for up to 2 weeks when extraoral dry time is less than 60 min, and for 4 weeks for both immature and mature teeth when extraoral dry times exceed 60 min.[26]

Table 3 : Splints For Avulsed TeethTable 3 : Splints For Avulsed Teeth

Table 3 : Splints For Avulsed Teeth

The splint should be replaced if undue mobility persists after 10 days.[13] The active term of splinting in dentistry is defined as the joining of two or more teeth into a rigid unit by means of fixed or removable restorations or devices.[27] Splints may be classified as temporary, provisional, or permanent and may be either fixed or removable. (Table 4) Treatment modalities of avulsed teeth Reimplantation refers to the insertion and temporary fixation of completely or partially avulsed teeth that have resulted from traumatic injury. In reimplantation complete reestablishment of vitality of periodontal fibers is the prime objective. The percentage of success of tooth reimplantation has been observed to be low, ranging from 4 to 50%.[28]

Table 4 : Splints For Avulsed Teeth (Contd.)Table 4 : Splints For Avulsed Teeth (Contd.)

Table 4 : Splints For Avulsed Teeth (Contd.)

1.    At the site of accident (Figure 1, 2)
2.    Management at dental office (Figure 3)
3.    Follow up (every 2 weeks)
•    Check for pain, discomfort, swelling
•    Take radiographs
•    Remove splint
•    Check for excessive mobility
•    If teeth demonstrate considerable mobility – patient should be warned to be careful with eating etc At this point of treatment, if the tooth/teeth are completely symptomless and there is no radiographic evidence of any pathology, such as external or internal resorption, etc. an appointment can be made to carry out a final RCT. If the apices of the affected tooth are open, the usual procedures to achieve a hard tissue barrier are carried out Some authors prefer to treat the teeth with calcium hydroxide for at least 9-12 months before the final root canal filling is placed.[29]

Fig:1 Duration of splintsFig:1 Duration of splints

Fig:1 Duration of splints

Fig:2 Management at site of accidentFig:2 Management at site of accident

Fig:2 Management at site of accident

Fig 3: Management of avulsed tooth when at dental office in different circumstancesFig 3: Management of avulsed tooth when at dental office in different circumstances

Fig 3: Management of avulsed tooth when at dental office in different circumstances


Dental practitioner will occasionally face the task of replantation of avulsed teeth & need to be aware of newer developments to maximize the success of the procedure. Search for what to do when such an emergency emerges in a clinic is utmost importance. The successful long-term survival of replanted teeth is very satisfying for the dental practitioner and generates goodwill in the community.

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2.    Rajendran P, Nettiyat OOmmen Varghese, Varughese JM, Murugaian E.Evaluation, using extracted human teeth, of Ricetral as a storage medium for avulsions – an in vitro study. Dent Traumatol 2011; 27: 217–220
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6.    Malhotra N. Current developments in interim transport (storage) media in dentistry: an update. Br Dent J 2011;211(1):29-33.
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11.    Jovanovska M. Delayed tooth replantation after traumatic avulsion. Stomatološki vjesnik 2014;3 (1)
12.    Petrovic B, Marković D, Peric T, Blagojevic D. Factors related to treatment and outcomes of avulsed teeth. Dent Traumatol 2010 Feb;26(1):52-9.
13.    Gregg TA, Boyd DH. UK National Clinical Guidelines in Paediatric Dentistry. Treatment of avulsed permanent teeth in children. Int J Paed Dent 1998;8:75–81.
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17.    Flores MT, Andersson L, Andreasen JO, Bakland LK, Malm- gren B, Barnett F et al. Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries. II. Avulsion of permanent teeth. Dent Traumatol 2007;23:130–6.
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