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Elucidating The Role Of Langerhans Cell 
Anjana Das 1 , N Chaitanya Babu 2 , Prakruthi B.V. 3 , Shilpashree S 4

Address For Correspondence
Dr. Anjana Das
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
The Oxford Dental College, Bommanahalli,
Hosur Road Bangalore 560068
Email – beingdas@hotmail.com
Cell : +91 88840 24545 

Apart from the keratinocytes that make up the bulk of the epithelium in the oral mucosa is a subpopulation of cells called non-keratinocytes among which is the Langerhans cell (LC) discovered in 1868. LCs were found to be antigen presenting cells that function as the most peripheral outpost of the immune system. A more complex role for the cell has been elucidated in the last few years which could help us understand their role in early carcinogenesis.

Langerhans cell, non-keratinocyte, langerin

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The basic histology of the oral mucosa consists of an epithelium underlying which is the connective tissue. Apart from the cells that collectively make up the epithelium referred to as keratinocytes, are a resident subpopulation of permanent or transient cells, heterozygous in their origin, structure and function called non-keratinocytes which include melanocytes, Merkels cells, Langerhans cells and lymphocytes.
The article traces the story of the Langerhans cell (LC) from its humble beginnings as an obscure epithelial cell to its current status as a distinctive member of oral mucosal immunity.

It was Paul Langerhans[1] who first noted a population of dendritic cells in human epidermis and named it the Langerhans cell. But further studies on the cell remained dormant for almost a century until in 1961 Birbeck et al.[2] using transmission electron microscopy observed a microtubular structure in the cytoplasm unique to the LC and named it the Birbeck granule.
The lack of desmosomal junctions and tonofilaments along with the presence of lysosomal granules confirmed its origin distinct from keratinocytes while the presence of an abundance of hydrolytic enzymes supported the view that the LC could be a macrophage. Currently we know that keratinocytes elaborate cytokines, growth factors, and hormones that influence LC phenotype and function.[3]
Immediately following the implication that they could be related to the monocyte series,[4] Silberberg and her associates[5] spotted the specific apposition of mononuclear cells to LCs in animals sensitized to contact allergens and found these cells not only in the lymphatic vessels but also in the lymph node, reiterating their role in the immune process - as part of the reticulo-epithelial system.
Today, we know for certain that LCs are dendritic, antigen presenting cells of bone marrow origin residing within the stratified squamous epithelium of skin, oral mucosa, upper gastrointestinal and female genital tract. In the epithelium LCs take up and process antigenic moieties in situ and upon receiving danger signals start to mature phenotypically and functionally and migrate to the T-cell zones of regional lymph nodes. Then in the lymph node, they come into prolonged contact with antigen-specific, naive resting T cells leading to their activation.
Important to note is that under homeostatic, non-dangerous conditions, LCs would be exposed to innocuous substances but this encounter would neither entice them to migrate nor induce immunological maturation.

They populate the supra-basal layers of the epithelium by about the seventh week of intrauterine life and in normal conditions make up 2-8% of the epithelial cell population with considerable variation in their numbers[6] (see Table 1) from site to site within the oral mucosa.

The lowest LC counts are in the floor of

[Table -1][Table -1]

[Table -1]


the mouth. However, the only site where Birbeck-granules-containing LCs could not be demonstrated was the junctional epithelium though they were present in sulcular epithelium.[7]

LC Kinetics
Although it is widely believed that dendritic leukocytes are end cells and therefore incapable of cell division, mitotic figures have been demonstrated in epidermal LC[8] as well as after labelling with 3H-Thymidine injected intradermally.[9] Flow cytometric analysis[10] of the cell cycle performed on OKT6+ LCs also demonstrated the cell in various phases of the cell cycle suggesting that the majority of LCs are able to proliferate in situ in normal human epidermis.
During wound healing LCs migrated with the epidermal cells over the wound during the process of re-epithelialization[11] suggesting that they respond to injury by both migration and increased mitosis. Much later Murphy et al.[12] observed the sequential depletion and subsequent repopulation of LCs in the skin of acute leukemic patients after allogenic bone marrow transplant.
During the repopulation phase clusters of T6+ cells containing Birbeck granule-like structures first accumulated around superficial dermal vessels leading researchers to agree that : (i) LCs were capable of division and thus self-perpetuating (ii) they can be induced to proliferate. Their proliferation and turnover rate was found to be slower than keratinocytes.
New developments in LC research in the last decade[13] have markedly changed the perception about this cell beginning with the discovery of a molecule called “langerin” expressed specifically on LC surface and also a major constituent of Birbeck granules.[14]
In 2007 a distinct type of dendritic cell was detected in murine dermis.[15],[16] Until then, whatever langerin+ cells was found in the dermis was considered to be LCs that just happened to be in transit from the epidermis through the dermis toward lymph nodes. But experts believe these represent another population of langerin+ dendritic cells in the dermis.

LCs role in early neoplasia
Until 1995apart from a brief comment on LC numbers correlating positively with lymphocytes in the stroma of pulmonary cancers no one had raised its immunological role in oral malignancy.[17] Research hasn't provided any conclusive evidence so far on their positive or negative role in neoplasia, yet throws some interesting perspectives.
Shklar et al.[18] observed an increase in the LCs in leukoplakic lesions associated with smokeless tobacco and attributed it to an attempt at epithelial protection. Later researchers[19] also suggested that it could be an adaptive response of the peripheral immune system to the increase in functional demand due to the penetration of antigens - in this case nicotine and its by-products, through the mucosa.
Therefore, a role for LC could be possible in squamous cell carcinoma only if they recognized early antigenic changes on the cell membrane and instigated early destruction of a neighboring keratinocyte undergoing malignant change. Evidence came from Cruchley et al.[20] who demonstrated an increase in numbers of CD1a+ LC in smokers, at sites often affected by carcinoma viz. lip and lateral border of the tongue. Similarly, density of HLA DR+ LC in lateral border of tongue was increased in smokers.
Similar to their behaviour in different stages of gingivitis where they migrate into the gingival epithelium during early gingivitis [21],[22] and migrating out as the gingivitis becomes more chronic say after 21 days[23] it is possible they may play an active role in early pre-malignancy. It was suggested that their powerful antigen presenting capacity could be used to overcome tumor tolerance and induce anti-tumor immunity when loaded with tumor antigens.

The Langerhans cell has generated considerable interest ever since its accidental discovery almost a century and half ago. A more complex role for the cell has been elucidated in the last few years which could help us understand their role in early carcinogenesis. The spate of research on this cell - the 'most peripheral outpost of the immune system' - has contributed immensely to our understanding of how the oral mucosa responds to antigens, be it microbial or tumor.

I would like to thank Prof. Jagdish Padmanabha, my mentor for inspiring my curiosity in Oral Pathology.

1.    Langerhans P. Ueber die Nerven der menschlichen Haut. Virch Arch Pathol Anat 1868;44:325-37.
2.    Birbeck MS, Breathnach AS, Everall JD. An electron microscope study of basal melanocytes and high-Level clear cells (Langerhans cells) in Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 1961;37:51-64.
3.    Romani N, Clausen BE, Stoitzner P. Langerhans cells and more: langerin-expressing dendritic cell subsets in the skin. Immunol Rev 2010a;234:120-41.
4.    Wolff K. The langerhans cell. Curr Probl Dermatol 1972;4:79-145.
5.    Silberberg I, Baer RL, Rosenthal SA. The role of Langerhans cells in allergic contact hypersensitivity. A review of findings in man and guinea pigs. J Invest Dermatol 1976;66:210-7.
6.    Cruchley AT, Willians DM, Farthing PM, Speight PM, Lesch CA Squier CA. The regional expression in LC distribution and density in normal human oral mucosa determination using monoclonal antibodies against CD1, HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, HLA-DP. J Oral Pathol Med 1989;18:510-6.
7.    Newcomb GM, Powell RN. Human gingival LCs in health and disease. J Periodontol Res 1986;21:640-52.
8.    Miyanchi S, Hashimoto K. Epidermal LCs undergo mitoses during the early recovery phase after ultraviolet B irradiation. J Invest Dermatol 1987;88:703-8.
9.    Schnait P, Brenner W, Kinetics of epidermal LCs. J Invest Dermatol 1979:73:566-9.
10.    Vaigot P, J. Czernielewski, M. Prunieras. Detection of distinct subpopulations of Langerhans cells by flow cytometry and sorting. Cytometry 1985;6:422-7.
11.    Giacometti L. The healing of skin wounds in primates. III Behavior of the cells of Langerhans. J Invest Dermatol 1969;53:151-4.
12.    Murphy GF, Merot Y, Tong AK, Smith B, Mihm MC. Depletion and repopulation of epidermal dendritic cell after allogenic bone marrow transplantation in humans. J Invest Dermatol 1985;84:210-21.
13.    Romani N, Brunner PM, Stingl G. Changing Views of the Role of Langerhans Cells. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2012;132:872-81.
14.    Bursch LS, Wang L, Igyarto B et al. Identification of a novel population of Langerin+ dendritic cells. J Exp Med 2007;204:3147-56
15.    Ginhoux F, Collin MP, Bogunovic M et al. Blood-derived dermal langerin+ dendritic cells survey the skin in the steady state. J Exp Med 2007;204:3133-46.
16.    Poulin LF, Henri S, de Bovis B, et al. The dermis contains langerin+ dendritic cells that develop and function independently of epidermal Langerhans cells. J Exp Med 2007;204:3119-31.
17.    Kurihara K, Hashimoto N. The pathological significance of LCs in oral cancer. J Oral Pathol 1995;14:289-98.
18.    Shklar G, Niukian K , Hassan M, Herbosa EG. Effects of smokeless tobacco and snuff on oral mucosa of experimental animals. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1985;43:80-6.
19.    de Ávila ED, de Molon SM, de Almeida Lawall M, Renata Bianco Consolaro, Alberto Consolaro. Increase of Langerhans Cells in Smokeless Tobacco-Associated Oral Mucosal Lesions. Arch of Clinical Experimental Surgery 2012.
20.    Cruchley AT, Williams DM, Farthing PM, Speight PM, Lesch CA Squier CA. Langerhans cell density in normal human oral mucosa and skin: relationship to age, smoking and alcohol consumption. J Oral Pathol Med 1994;23:55-59.
21.    Newcomb GM, Seymour GJ, Powell RN. Association between plaque accumulation and Langerhans cell numbers in the oral epithelium of attached gingiva. J Clin Periodontol 1982;9:297-304.
22.    Walsh LJ, Seymour GJ, Savage NW. Oral mucosal Langerhans cells express DR and DQ antigens. J Dent Res 1986b;65:390-3.
23.    Moughal NA, Adonogianaki E, Kinane DF. Langerhans cell dynamics in human gingiva during experimentally induced inflammation. J Biol Buccale 1992;20:163-7.
24.    Valladeau J, Duvert-Frances V, Pin JJ et al. The monoclonal antibody DCGM4 recognizes Langerin, a protein specific of Langerhans cells, and is rapidly internalized from the cell surface. Eur J Immunol 1997;29:2695-704.

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